Coversation for practical exam 

This is my presentation about descriptive text in historical place


History of the Pancasila Sakti Monument Lubang Buaya Jakarta

In the history of the Indonesian nation there have been various dark events that marked the journey of Indonesia as a sovereign state. One of them was the PKI G30S incident that occurred on 30 September 1965. The history of the PKI or the Indonesian Communist Party had long carried out various ways to make Indonesia a communist-minded country. Various rebellions of PKI G30S leaders carried out until they reached their peak in the September 30 revolt, including by slaughtering high-ranking TNI officers.

The Torture House which was the site of torture for the heroes of the Revolution in order to sign a statement claiming to be a member of the General Council. That was an issue the PKI made to slander the Generals by spreading the story that they planned to commemorate President Soekarno. This place was a public school that was converted by the PKI into a place of torture.

The most striking location of the historical Pancasila Sakti monument is an old well measuring 75 cm wide and 12 meters deep which houses the body. The inside of the well is given a red light. Near the wellbore there is an inscription that reads as follows: "Tjita2 Our struggle to uphold the purity of Pantja Sila cannot be broken only by burying us in this well. Lobang Buaja, October 1, 1965 ".

The Pancasila Sakti Monument began to be built in mid-August 1967 until it was inaugurated on October 1, 1973 by President Soeharto to coincide with the history of the Pancasila Pact. Along with the construction of the monument, a cupola was also built on the well which was the location of the disposal of the body. The Pancasila Sakti Monument is located on Jalan Raya Pondok Gede, Lubang Buaya Village, Cipayung District, East Jakarta. The monument is open to the public every day except Mondays starting at 09.00 - 16.00.


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